Easy DIY: Desk Organiser


Hello all! Feels like forever since I last wrote anything for my blog, but I'm back with a simple DIY to help you organise your drawers in time for the new year. It's nothing special, but looks a lot better than the original state. And what's more, you only need very few supplies to organise and tidy up, and then it'll be much easier to find things!


 What you'll need:
- Card
- Scissors
-Glue/ Glue Gun

First of all you should measure your drawer, and cut and stick your card together so that it fills the whole of the base of the drawer. 

Then, you should measure the side of your drawer and cut strips of card a few cm larger than the measurement you took. Fold over the excess cm's, and glue them down to the base card you created earlier, to make sides to outline your drawer. 

Next you should place the half cube that you should've created in your drawer, and measure the items you wish to place in each section to determine where you will glue your dividers. 

Then you should cut strips of card, the width of your drawer, a little larger than the height as before, to fold over to stick to the base. I found that using a glue gun helped to keep the dividers firmly in place, and I also stuck cellotape, one side on the edge of the divider and the other on the side of the card box you've created. This made sure that the dividers don't fall down with the contents in them. Also, I found that adding blue tack to the sides of the drawer helped keep the box in place.
You should have then created an organised divided desk drawer, simple, but effective.
I hope you enjoyed this simple DIY, 
See you soon,
Vicki xo

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