Stop procrastinating and start living ♡


Ahh procrastination. That funny thing that swallows our days whole as we type, swipe, watch and film our lives away. Or do pointless jobs that seem of the highest importance in the moment. Procrastination stems from wanting or needing to get something done, but then pressurising yourself so much that you don't...

Thriving in uncertainty ❥


 I don't know if you have guessed by now, but my blog posts always come straight from the heart. If something is on my mind, if I'm struggling with something, I come up with a pep talk for myself, help myself through it, and then relate what I have found into an Instagram post, reel or blog post for my longer rambles. Uncertainty...

Mindset shifts to accept gratitude ♡


 Gratitude, by definition, is 'the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness'.  Why practice gratitude? Well, good question I hear you ask. Not only does showing gratitude on a daily basis feel amazing for your mind and those around you, it helps you see...

How to quit people pleasing & put yourself first ❀


Do you find yourself saying yes to plans when you have a million other things to do and you really don't have time but you feel you have to say yes to keep people happy?Or that you find it difficult to say no to extra shifts at work or going above and beyond what is expected in your job role?Or do you find yourself blindly...

Go from overwhelmed to organised with these 5 daily habits ♡


Do you ever feel so run off your feet and overwhelmed with the things you need to get done that you don't know where to start and end up getting absolutely nothing done at all? Same girl. I am here to share with you the daily habits I have put in place for when I am busy and beginning to feel overwhelmed. 1) ...

How to deal with constant rejection


Rejection sucks. There is no denying that. In every single walk of life you will undoubtedly be faced with rejection. Whether that is rejection from a job application, a potential love interest, an audition or a friendship. Whatever the situation, it does not feel good. If I ever meet someone who has never ever encountered...