Go from overwhelmed to organised with these 5 daily habits ♡


Do you ever feel so run off your feet and overwhelmed with the things you need to get done that you don't know where to start and end up getting absolutely nothing done at all? 

Same girl. 

I am here to share with you the daily habits I have put in place for when I am busy and beginning to feel overwhelmed. 

1)  Gather your get-to-do list the night before. No point spending extra time in the morning or later in the day still compiling everything you need to get done that day. If you spend an extra 5 minutes in the evening at your desk writing tomorrow's list then you will wake up with a clear intention of what you need to complete that day. 

2)  Colour code important tasks. I have pastel highlighters (which are so aesthetic and cute), and I use a coding system of tasks that need to be completed that day (pink), tasks that are lower importance (blue) and then tasks that are ongoing (green). I will also rule down the side of a page to create a grid of boxes for me to fill in whether I have completed the task, it is ongoing, or it has been moved to the next day's get-to-do list. 

3) Plan your outfit/s the night before. Have your clothes laid out ready. This is an especially good practice for if you need extra motivation to get out for that morning walk/run. If your clothes are staring at you in the face when you wake then you will be more likely to grab them and go. This goes for everyday clothes or your work outfit. You will spend less time stressing over what you will wear that day and be able to quickly get on with your to-do's. 

4) Set reminders and calendar updates on your phone. In this day and age who doesn't have their phone on them at least 80% of the time? If you struggle with keeping up to date with paper planners, then why not set reminders in your phone for important events and tasks that you must do. You can set reminders for specific times so that if you happen to forget an important deadline, then your phone will ping and you will be spring to life to complete it. 

5) Get up 10 minutes earlier to carry out a mindful routine in the morning. Mindfulness is all about being present in the here and now, it will help you cope with feelings of overwhelm and stress. Your stress has roots in events that haven't even happened yet and often arise from situations we make up in our brain for if a task does not have it's desired outcome. Eg. If I don't get this task completed by this certain time then the world will fall around me and my boss will shout at me. Taking 10 minutes in the morning to practise meditation and deep breathing will help you root yourself in the present, and allow yourself to focus on the immediate task at hand rather than the never ending list you have beside you. 

I hope that some of these ideas helped you somehow, let me know in the comments if you found them useful 

Lots of love, 


x x x

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